Aloe Mix PMM (Peach, Mango, Maracuja)

Aloe Mix PMM (Peach, Mango, Maracuja)

Product Code: Aloe Mix Pesca, Mango, Maracuja
Availability: In Stock
Viewed 3575 times

Product Description

The Aloe Mix ProWay PMM is a unique beverage that blends the best of nature to provide a concentrated source of health and vitality.

Our exclusive formula combines Aloe Vera and Aloe Arborescens, creating an elixir rich in moisturizing, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and digestive properties. This is not just a simple mix but an extraordinary source of well-being that awakens your inner vitality.

The Aloe Mix PMM would not be complete without the sweet embrace of acacia honey. This golden nectar, derived from a variety of flowers, is known for its antimicrobial properties, serving as an ally in the fight against bacteria and fungi, contributing to your natural defense against infections.

But the wonders of acacia honey don't stop there. It is also a remedy for your throat and an ally in soothing coughs. A natural relief from cold symptoms that envelops you in a warm embrace.

The Aloe Mix PMM is enriched with natural, fresh, and exotic flavors that tantalize the palate, such as peach, mango, and passion fruit. The freshness of these flavors makes every sip an exciting and irresistible experience.

Size: 1 Liter

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